
Learn to move and touch your audience instead of delivering boring bulletpoint presentations.

Take yourself, your business or your employees to the next levels as a public speaker. Get in touch

Are your employees someone you listen to when they present?

If you want a workshop that is not only entertaining, inspiring and informative, but also directly applicable immediately after, then Asger Lindholdt’s workshop will be something for you.

My workshops are characterized by being full of good energy, high participant involvement, many exercises and examples which ensure that the participants learn the theory and can actively use it right after the workshop. The workshops can be delivered in Danish or English.


Challenges my workshops can address:

  • Minimize the fear of public speaking and speak as a natural and confident authority.

  • Scientific storytelling and the brain – learn how to tell captivating stories in scientific and business contexts.

  • Speech structure – Get a framework that ensures your talk hooks your audience, keeps them engaged and makes a real impact. 

  • World-class delivery – Connect to your authentic and passionate self so your focus becomes on your message and your audience instead of you. 

  • Personal branding – How to position yourself as an expert from the stage.

  • Power pitching – Make an outstanding scientific/business pitch.

  • Humour – Learn the fundamentals for getting more laughs when you present.

  • Video training – Learn how to present to a camera and make videos for SoMe.

  • Power Point – Do’s & don’ts.

  • Q & A - how to answer and run question & answer sessions 

  • Keep the energy high throughout your talk

All our workshops


Who is this workshop for?

  • Scientists, academics, and researchers who want to get their message across in an engaging and effective way.

What will you get out of this workshop?

  • A speech structure you can use to ensure an impactful presentations.

  • How to find the elements you need in a scientific talk and where to place them in your presentation.

  • How to deliver your speech with ease, confidence and find your own speaker style.

  • Understand your audience’s needs and connect with them on a deeper level.  

  • Feedback and implementation of the tools and strategies

  • How to “sell” your research so you can reach a bigger audience

  • Receive Asger’s own personal framework (P.I.T.C.H.) to make your personal pitch stand out.

The Scientific Pitch

One of the biggest problems I have encountered amongst scientists, academics, and researchers during my time as PhD student and consultant, is the problem of presenting and pitching their projects. They know that their research can make a difference. They know they have something to offer. But how do you present it, so people will listen and actively reach out to you afterwards?

In this workshop you will learn the speech structure that is used by all the most popular talks. This speech structure will be applicable to a scientific context as well as many other types of speeches. After this workshop you will know what the audience’s need is, how to make an amazing start, keep them engaged throughout the entire talk.

The workshop is typically either a half or full day.

Who is this workshop for?

  • Aspiring speakers, solopreneurs and entrepreneurs who want to inform, inspire and impact with their expert knowledge and visions.

What will you get out of this workshop?

  • A storytelling framework (7C storytelling system) that you can implement immediately after the workshop.

  • A good understanding of why the brain loves stories

  • How to start your stories, make them exciting and how to finish your stories so they make an impact. 

  • How to find stories that work in your specific context.

  • Methods to remember your stories.

  • Feedback and practical implementation of the storytelling techniques and 7C storytelling framework.

  • How to use storytelling in your area of expertise and why you should use it.

Storytelling & the Brain

Aspiring speakers, solopreneurs and entrepreneurs have a burning desire to share their expert knowledge and dreams. However, often the presentations end up being heavy on information with little to no inspiration. If you want to both educate and entertain you need to understand the structure of a story and how to deliver it.

The workshop is based upon Kendall Haven’s big neuroscience study “Your Brain On Story”. In this study, Kendall Haven, and his 38 neuroscientists, proved that our brains are designed to make sense and remember information through stories. Within the brain, there is an area that scientists have chosen to call neural-story-net. In this story net, there is a filter called the make-sense-mandate-filter that filters out the information and makes it into a storytelling format. Storytelling is the key to understanding complex problems, keeping the audience engaged and making personal transformations. The participants will be given Asger Lindholdts own framework called the 7C storytelling system which is easy to understand, implement and use. It is rooted in scientific studies and proven to provide powerful results.

The workshop is typically either a half or full day.

Who is this workshop for?

  • Aspiring speakers, CEOs, solopreneurs, TEDx speakers and entrepreneurs who want to inform, inspire and impact with their expert knowledge and visions.

What will you get out of this workshop?

  • Why TED talks are so popular

  • The structure behind the most viewed TED talks, including Asger’s 5S speech structure and S.T.A.R.T system

  • The 7C storytelling framework which is rooted in scientific studies and proven to generate massive impact 

  • How to connect on a deeper level with your audience

  • How to tap into your authentic confidence and share your expert knowledge and visions with ease

  • How to find your personal signature story

  • Feedback and practical implementation of your first try at delivering a TED talk style presentation.

Learn the secrets of crafting and delivering an impactful TED talk

There is a reason why TED talks have become so extremely popular with millions of views. They are full of engaging stories, valuable information and advice that is easy to implement, while still making a big impact.

How do you share you “Idea worth sharing” (TEDs tagline) so it resonates with your listeners? There is a certain structure behind all of the most viewed TED talks. In this workshop we will go through how you design and deliver a talk that is worthy of the TED stage. The frameworks and techniques will be applicable on the big stage with thousands of audience members, but also in smaller settings such as the board room where you share your company’s vision. I have worked with 20 TEDx speakers and watched hundreds of TED talks. Let me help you so you or your employees can become an inspiring speaker.

The workshop is typically either a half or full day.

Customers and reviews

With more than 10 years of experience in public speaking and storytelling, Asger has become one of the leading educators in his field in Scandinavia – doing workshops and keynotes in both English and Danish. As a result of his vast experience and high-quality teaching he usually receives great feedback and a lot of returning clients. Below are a select few of those clients.

Read more about his previous and on-going clients by clicking here.