Online courses

Learn world-class public speaking skills whenever and wherever you want.

Take you and your employees to the next speaker levels with our online courses.

Online courses about public speaking

Do you dream of standing on stage and delivering your message without nerves and instead be full of confidence, so you can inspire your audience with your expert knowledge?

Do you want to learn the techniques and methods the best on-stage communicators use?

If you said yes to these questions, then why not learn from our online courses?

You can take the training at your own pace, when and wherever you want, at reasonable prices, so why not give it a try? We have these online public speaking courses:


The F.E.A.R. free S.P.E.A.K.E.R. system - Learn to deliver world-class speeches with my F.E.A.R. free S.P.E.A.K.E.R. system, which minimizes fear and shows you all the major public speaking delivery techniques, so your audience will hang on to every word you say.

The 7C storytelling system - Get a simple yet effective storytelling system that both engages and leaves a lasting impact on your audience. It is backed up by science and proven by results. 

The magical 5S speech structure - Uncover the powerful speech structures used by presidents, storytellers and world-class speakers. 

✓ The personal expert speaking S.Y.S.T.E.M. -  learn how to build a personal expert system so you stand out from the crowd and wow your audience. Why not develop your own expert model?  

✓ The speaker compass - Too many speakers think about what they want to say, but it is not about you, but your audience. In this system I will take you through a process so you know exactly what your audience’s needs and deepest desires are. 

Accelerate your learning by discovering the most important techniques for learning with our accelerated learning program and apply it to pretty much any field.

The S.T.A.R.T. system - The beginning part of your presentation is often 80% of your success as a speaker. That is why I have developed an entire system called S.T.A.R.T. which teaches the 5 elements you must have in every beginning part your speech if you want to succeed. 

Online courses

The 7C storytelling system

Are you tired of people being bored and disengaged while you presenting technical and complex things? Would you like to engage your audience through storytelling, relevant for both business and technical presentations?


The F.E.A.R. free S.P.E.A.K.E.R. system

Learn to deliver world-class speeches with my F.E.A.R. free S.P.E.A.K.E.R. system, which minimizes fear and shows you all the major public speaking delivery techniques, so your audience will hang on to every word you say.

Structure your 5S speech structure

Uncover the secrets behind building and structuring a magical speech with our 5S speech structure. Avoid overloading your audience with information and instead have them understand, remember and connect with your core ideas.

Why invest in my online courses?

Increased confidence.

If you are like most people, you experience some sort fear before and during a speech. Let me show you practical methods rooted in science, that are easy to apply and use, so you never ever have to dread giving a speech again.

World-class delivery.

Have you ever experienced a speaker turning an interesting topic into a boring monologue? Don’t be that person and instead turn even the dullest topic into something that can create enthusiasm amongst your listeners.

A framework for your speech structure.

Do you typically make your PowerPoint slides the first thing in your speech development? Let me show you how top speakers craft and develop the structure of their speech, so you can impact your audience on a deeper level.

Learn while on the go.

Online courses are great because you can learn when and wherever you want as long as you have a device and an internet connection. Furthermore, our prices are fairly low and we provide a money back guarantee.

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