8-weeks bootcamp

Take your public speaking skills to the next level with an 8-week bootcamp.

Are you ready to go to the next level as a public speaker? Get in touch

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Are you ready to take your public speaking skills to the next level? 

Here is my program and my promise to make you reach new heights with your public speaking and personal communication. The program consists of 8 weeks where you will go through my A, B, C, D, E and F framework that will make you an outstanding speaker, and show you the basics of how to get booked and paid.


What will you learn each week?

During the 8 weeks you’ll learn everything you need to become an outstanding speaker. We will meet once a week during our live call. You will have access to online courses, templates, exercises, a speaker community and my personal feedback.


Week 1: Anxiety minimization

Handle the fear of public speaking and tap into your natural confidence with my ”The F.E.A.R. system” and much more. The foundation for success as a speaker is that you can be comfortable and confident on stage. This is the first step towards reaching the flow state (optimal performance)

Week 2: Build your talk

Learn how to build a keynote and a TED talk with my ”5S speech structure” and “S.T.A.R.T. system”. We will also go through my system called “The Speaker Compass” so you will know exactly what the audience really desires and needs. After this module you will be able to construct incredible presentations and understand why some talks are so attractive and others aren’t.  

Week 3: Connect with your audience

Learn how to connect with your audience on a deep emotional level and share your personal passion and expert knowledge with my  ”7C storytelling system”. Every great talk needs stories and in this module we work on how you can find and craft your personal stories that are also relevant in a business context. 

Week 4: Deliver world-class speeches

Learn how to have world-class speaker skills with our”S.P.E.A.K.E.R. system”. E.g. how to move on stage, engage the audience and use your voice to captivate your audience. Most trainers will focus on the technical parts, but here you will besides some general guidelines also work with your state and experience a whole new level of delivery skills. 

Week 5: Expert positioning

Learn how to position yourself as an expert in your industry. I will for example show you how to make your own expert model with our” Personal branded S.Y.S.T.E.M.” You will get inspiration to stand out from the crowd and stop competing on price, but instead make you an industry expert in your niche.

Week 6: Finalize your “Ted Talk”

In the 6th week we will put everything your learned into a powerful TED talk style presentation. After this week you will have a presentation that informs, inspires and influences your audience. These 15 minutes will be valuable marketing material to show future clients and show case how good you are. These 15 minutes will also be easy to turn into a 45 min or 1,5 hours keynote that you can use for your paying clients. You will get feedback on your “TED Talk” so you can be sure it is outstanding!

Week 7: Winning webinars

In week 7 you will learn how to put together a webinar that is between 45 min and 1,5 hours. This can be a free webinar where you deliver value and position yourself as the go to expert if you want to fill up your mentorship programs or have multiple 1-1 clients. It can also be a webinar intended for paying clients so you reach new heights in terms of your speaking skills to gain more and higher paying clients. You will know the structure of a webinar that either converts potentiel clients into customers or makes a paying clients incredibly satisfied.

Week 8: How to make a (facebook) sales funnel

In week 8 you will learn how to set up a funnel so you can fill up your mentorships programs. This will work perfect together with your webinar. The starting point is Faccebook as most audiences are on this platform, but besides the technicalities the fundamental techniques can be used practically on any platform or sales process.

How will you learn it?

See below how the 8-week public speaker bootcamp is structured.


Weekly meeting:

90 minute meeting every week

The weekly meetings consist of Asger Lindholdt making a short presentation about the weekly topics. 

Furthermore, we will go through the daily tasks you are given every week. I will also take questions, so you can be sure to understand how to apply the tools related to each week. We can have “hot seats”. 

Every meeting is recorded so if you can’t come you can always watch it afterwards and they are also yours to keep forever.  

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Online courses:

New exclusive videos every week

The online courses will consist of at least 10 shorter videos with knowledge and tools that you can keep for life. Each online course is related to each of the topics.


Tasks every week:

5 tasks every week

To expand your comfort zone and 10x your public speaking skills you are given 5 tasks every week. Expect to use between 30-60 minutes a day during the week. If you miss a day, you can do it the day after or if you prefer to do them all in one day that is also fine. We suggest you try to do one task per day if possible, because research shows you learn more by spreading the learning period out over a longer period. Every day during the work week, you have to make a short video (30 sec to 2 min) and put it up online or just put up in our LinkedIn group. Sometimes there will be additional exercises. You will receive a pdf with the exercises before 10 am every Monday.


Practicing on video: Make a daily video during the week

In order to practice presenting you will make 5 videos every week and upload them to our group. All these videos will make you feel comfortable and expand your comfort zone. You will definitely feel a massive difference. If you have been scared of putting yourself out on Social Media or make your own online course you will absolutely love this part. 


Feedback on your “TED talk”

In week 6 you will present your short keynote talk (TED talk style). I will record it, so you can show this to future clients. It is not a professional recording, but of sufficient quality to show what you can deliver. Asger will give you your own personal feedback after the presentation. During the 6 weeks we work either directly or indirectly on your talk. This means you should have a “TED talk” by the end of the course, that could easily be expanded into a full 45 min keynote and make the foundation of your speaking career.

My mentor promise to you

I promise that I will give as much value, support and practical advice as we possibly can, within the time we have together. I am confident you will see incredible results during the 8 weeks period. Once you have been through the entire program, I have no doubt that you will see the value of your investment. This means getting your investment returned through more and higher paid speaking opportunities as well as personal fulfillment. This promise is of course based on you putting in the work outlined on this page.

I hope you can see above how much I would like to help you become a top-class speaker.

Mentee part: Your promise to Asger and the other team members

Before signing up for the bootcamp you will be send some guidelines to ensure you are actually ready for a change and commit to this fairly intensive training during 8 weeks. In order to get the maximum amount of value out of the training expect to use between 30 to 60 min a day during the work week. You can chunk the workload together if there are some days you have more time than others or should miss a day as life of course can get in the way.


Contact information

If you have any doubt or concerns regarding this intensive 8 weeks public speaker bootcamp then please reach out on either my mail, LinkedIn message or phone. 



(+45) 61 67 07 41